You Can Lead a Phone to Electricity, But You Can’t Make It Charge

I so hate it when I plug in my dying phone to charge it, and come back an hour and a half later only to find out my phone has been goofing off.

What I want to see is “Charging Complete”.

What I hate to see is “Insert SimmCard”, or “Charging not Compatible”, or “I ain’t did shit for the last hour and a half”.

Then I drive to work with the phone gasping for electricity like a fish lying on a pier deck.

I lost my car charger so the phone struggles as I drive to work.

“I’ll bet you learned your lesson”, I scolded.


TerryC said...

I lost my car charger, too. Is there a black hole somewhere where they all end up?

TerryC said...

I love that! Seeing this on your phone: "I ain't did shit for the past hour and a half."!!

I wish my phone was such a hot ticket!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I was wondering if anyone actually read it.

Anonymous said...

Far many too many times I have plugged my phone in to charge to come back and realize I didn't have the other end plugged into the socket!!!

I have a USB cord that charges my phone while I am at work right form the computers power. If you have the ability on your phone, it's very nice!

Jahooni said...

Found your blog and you are TOO FUNNY!

Had a great laugh today because I thought my phone was charged (from being plugged in all night)but its NOT!

Great Blog.. will visit again.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Thank you Jahooni, please visit again.

Michael said...

My "house" charger was eaten by a vacuum cleaner at work one day, so I only had a car charger. I had to go out and put the stupid phone in the car in the driveway sometimes to charge it when I was home.

The car charger started getting dodgy, it never did fit just right. The charging "inlet" on my phone is one of those tiny little pin-sized holes. Still, the little pin on the car charger was too small and would "slip" out sometimes. I had to start positioning my phone in the car in ways that would put pressure on the charger pin to keep it in there.

Then it got worse, not only would the charging pin slip out, but the phone would only charge if the charger was being pressed in, at a particular angle. I started using tape to hold the charging pin in, and at the right angle. Still, I'd often end up with a dead phone after several hours of "charging".

Finally, it stopped charging altogether. Yeah! I thought, I can finally get a new phone. It still under warrantee, so I had to bring it into the Cingular store for them to replace it. They discovered the phone was fine. It was that stupid car charger. I bought a new home charger and it works fine. Except when I forget to plug it in ;)