I was washing the Jeep this morning digging out from under leaves from 3 inches of badly need rain when I thought about how the tempo of Logzilla’s posts have changed lately. Yesterday she talked frankly about boobs and the day before she talked about how often you change you sheets and another boob related subject.
Then I came into my house to rest for a moment and Logzilla was asking about my whereabouts on my blog. Sorry, I vegged completely yesterday. I am fine. And I am happy once again since it has stopped raining.
Logzilla is someone whose life is totally different than mine yet we continue to read about each other’s life and comment from time to time.
Michael and Terry have some technical issues on their blog for a week now. I miss hearing about their lives.
Ali went dry for a while and suddenly her life is filled with mystery that she will reveal in her own time.
My nephew Jay Gray has taken off on his blog. I can’t believe how much we think alike.It's so funny, Jay said something once that made Terry of St Croix mad. Now she takes pot shot at him when ever she can. I'm not sure he has noticed.
Finally I got news yesterday that my friend Terry C from NC has kidney cancer. He is 53 and a very likeable guy. They found it by chance when he had a kidney stone a few weeks ago. Monday he’ll find out if it is likely to kill him or unlikely. It depends on how long the cancer has been there and if it has spread.
So if you are the praying type, lift one up for Terry.
Such is life.
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I have been writing some blog posts on MS Word, waiting patiently for the return of WordPress....
Then you'll have "overblog". Or "blog overload" or just too many words for a while. Hopefully, that will happen soon.....
Oh good!!!!! I am glad you are ok. It's just not like you to be gone from us for 3 days without mentioning anything. Just got concerned for you. Glad everything is fine. :0)
Soon all will be revealed...I wish it was more exciting...but it might be...to some of you...
I am the praying kind and will gladly add your friend to my list. I usually pray on the way to work, its quiet and I feel like I need a distraction so I don't try to run anyone off the road. Bad drivers abound.
I have not noticed....hmmmm
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