Tragedy Strikes

I didn’t feel like driving 359 miles yesterday, but I did. We ended up leaving later than planned so we drove nonstop in order to get to the campground before dark. I hate backing in and setting up when it is dark.

I was outside setting up while Gigi and my sister cooked up a great dinner.

Tragedy struck later when I set up the satellite. Gigi’s old Tivo is a staple of our camping, just like a grill and an outdoor chair. As I plugged in the Tivo sparks came bursting from the back and the unit blew out. Sadly, Gigi is forced to watch the local fuzzy cable and she is not a happy camper.

My satellite box in the living room is working fine.

This morning I promised to cook breakfast so I fired up the griddle outside and cooked bacon and eggs with toast. Etta brought over fruit and we had a nice breakfast outside.

The weather has moderated from a stifling hot yesterday to a pleasant 70ish with a nice breeze.

While everyone got ready for a bike ride, I set up my new ladder ball game. Thank you Terry for this idea, what fun. I am going to have to have this game on the island in St Croix. It would be a fantastic game to play by the pool. Terri, can you see if they carry a ladder ball game at Champs if you stop by?

The bike ride was fantastic. The marsh has turned a greenish golden color (The Golden Isles) and egrets and water birds were everywhere.

We stopped by the beach to show my sister my Galaxy memorial. I put a small dog tag on a cedar tree a few years ago where Galaxy used to swim with the dolphins. We sprinkled some of her ashes there.

We stuffed ourselves at Blackbeards with local seafood and collected all the doilies from lunch for our Popeye’s Chicken supper tonight. I can just see a greasy biscuit sitting on a doily.

This afternoon everyone headed to St Simons but I stayed back for a shower and fantastic nap.

So far, so good on the fall vacation.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I still wish we were there!!!!

I am slowly prepping for the tailgate adventure Sunday. Did you see my blog and the griddle I picked up. I am testing it out tonight with eggs, toast and hash browns.

Tell everyone I said hello!!!

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I saw that. I did the same on my griddle this morning. You’ve got a little smoky headed your way…see any old surf boards?

Ali said...

Sounds like you're having a great time - I'm jealous of the warm weather - I've been wearing my toque and winter jacket.

You and your damn doilies...sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smokey! I am gonna wrap potatoes and onions with some olive oil, salt, pepper and old bay in tin foil and fire that little smokey up on Sunday!!!

I have not seen any yet, I am still looking out!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there too!

Anonymous said...

Reg, do you use metal (spatulas, etc) on your cast iron griddle?

TerryC said...

It must truly be a tragic camping day to have to watch fuzzy TV. :(

Glad you all made it there okay. The bike riding sounds great. It has been WAY too long since we took our bikes out.

I used one of my doilies last week for a veggie platter I brought to Carsten and Amanda's. It looked great! :)

Anonymous said...

You guys really know how to vacation! Still jealous here. And I haven't played ladder ball since August. I hope I'm not getting rusty!

Liv said...

please find my peachpod and give her a huge hug. tell her to stay strong for me.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I did.

Michael said...

Hey. You got your Terryses crossed. I can't believe your spill cheek didn't catch this.

What the heck is ladderball? And where is Champs? ;)

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Champs is a sporting goods store. I saw one at the Sunny Isle shopping center.

Ladder ball is a tossing game that goes well with Papis, beer and cigars.