Bursting into Song

Reggie Bursting into SongThe weather has been so nice here that I just want to burst into song. I can’t do that though.

First, bursting into song is kind of girly. It is kind of Mary Poppinsish.

Second, I can’t sing worth a crap. It just wouldn’t do the weather the justice that I intend if I sang.

Third, assuming I could sing, and I was comfortable enough with manhood to burst into song, just what song would be appropriate to burst into?


Anonymous said...

Hey Reg,
You could sing "We're Jammin'". Bob Marley wasn't very girlie. Then there's always something really masculine like "Hot Rod Lincoln". The possibilities are endless. I always have some sort of stupid song running around in my brain. Maybe I should blog just about that....very entertaining.
I frequently drive myself and Michael nuts with the songs floating around up there....

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I hate that when a song runs on and on in your head. Most of the time I don’t know the lyrics either. I had to download from iTunes, “Theme for an Imaginary Western” by Leslie West just so I could purge the demon song from my head.

We be jammin’ here in NC.

Friendly Manitoban said...

birsting into song is girly? I never knew that! I thought I was more of a tom boy but I guess I've been girly all along!

I say sing if ya wanna sing!

MELackey said...

When I burst into song here in my office, it's generally Fats Domino. "I found my thrill, on Blueberry Hill..." This is really good when you are doing your Fats Domino impression.

My co-workers think I'm nuts...

Anonymous said...

"oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling everythings going my way"

Ali Kat said...

Ice Cream, On the Sunny Side of the Street, Let the Sun Shine In, You are my Sunshine... I could go no forever, so I just gave you a few ideas. Plus, it is by no means girly and everyone CAN sing, it's just a matter of if you actually sound good or not ;)

Ali said...

Bursting into song is a little on the girly side - but if you do it just right, you can sing while proving to the world how manly you are.
My suggestion to you would be that song that goes "Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows blah blah blah, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, blaaaaaaa."
As soon as I say rainbows I just make up the rest of the words because I don't know them - but it's a catchy tune.

Anonymous said...

I feel pretty... oh so pretty...