It's Hot!

It is quite hot and oppressive here. You get soaking wet trying to set up camp and the mosquitoes are vicious. Fun huh? It can be though.

I do not enjoy RVing nearly as much as I used to. But it is the only way to take the dogs with us. I thoroughly enjoy having the dogs with us and there are some conveniences to RVing.

However I can do without the stress of towing, packing, unpacking, cleaning, setup and teardown. It is a lot of work.

Fortunately or unfortunately I am a schedule person. I live and die by what I have planned. If we plan to do nothing then that is a plan to me. Just let me know.

I am with a group of unscheduled people. There is a lot of talk about things they want to do but rarely do they actually pull any event off. That is okay, it’s just the way they are and I respect that. I am different however.

I do know that there is a concert at the lighthouse tonight and I will be there. And there is a dolphin tour tomorrow at 2:00 that I have paid for. Other than that, folks keep talking about riding bikes, going into town, etc. I doubt any of that will happen. If it does it will be hours and hours before they actually muster the organization to get going.

It reminds me of TV people and non TV people. Non TV people somehow think they are culturally superior to TV people. I am a TV person. So is Gigi. We watch entirely different things but we get entertainment value from TV. You that are not TV people are fine too. (I am not talking about you Michael and Terry. You watch movies)

Gigi’s uncle Wendell is here. He’s 75 now and is showing every bit his age. We love Wendell and I enjoy his stories.

Wendell was telling me this morning that age took care of his sex drive years ago. But in his mind he still had dirty thoughts. Then the butt shot he had last year took care of the dirty thoughts too. So he is completely free to think about other things.

Wendell was referring to a series of female hormone shots he had last year for prostate cancer. They wiped his mind clean of any sex.

Then he told me a story about when his entire family got baptized at the church. They all were all to be completely dunked and were requested to bring their own towels.

Wendell said he was holding 5 wet towels and was going to take them to his car. He saw his car below from the third story of the church and decided to toss them out the window to his car to save steps and get back to the service.

He opened the window and tossed out the wet towels to the hood of his new BMW. The weight and velocity of the towels collapsed his car hood. Only Wendell.


Anonymous said...

July 2, 2006

We beg to differ with your (Reggie’s) earlier comments involving scheduling and planning… …..we make “plans” all the time….they do not however, always agree with your particular plans or “needs”. Also, it is very difficult to plan with Reggie and Bill who are not always listening when we make said plans….”Nuff “ said.

His reference in an earlier blog however, to my (Dee’s) distaste for “slick” lunch meat is absolutely true….I find it very disgusting.

Respectfully submitted, 
