Sneeze Interruptus

This I hate. This morning I felt the slightest twinge of a sneeze coming on.

I love the satisfying feel of a good sneeze. This sneeze was at the immature stage and needed development. I decided to pause a moment to let nature run its course.

I must have looked stupid nurturing along this sneeze when Gigi asked, “What’s wrong.”

Like a prairie dog running back into its hole, my sneeze retreated leaving me unfulfilled.

Okay head, you owe me one good sneeze…I mean a good one.


Anonymous said...

I agree one good sneeze is great but I hate when you get the "Sneeze booger". That little nugget of snot that tickles the inside of your nose with every breath and you find an onslaught of heavy sneezes come that you have no control over.

MELackey said...

My wife does that crap to me. When she sees me making the face of the impending sneeze, she starts telling me not to sneeze. You are left with the feeling of needing to sneeze, but you can't seem to get back to the "edge" again. What a let down to get right to the point of no return and then not be able to complete the deal.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

I was just eating tuna and crackers and it hit me again. I dove for a napkin just in time.

I feel better now.

I feel like I need a cigarette.

TerryC said...

A cigarette after sneezing. It was THAT good! Amazing! I'm not sure I get that type of satisfaction from most of my bodily functions. But, whatever floats your boat....

Alyssa said...

I think one of the worst experiences (well, maybe not one of the worst experiences, but maybe one of the worst of the mildly irriating day-to-day experiences) is having an impending sneeze inturrupted. Especially if it doesn't fully dissapear and you're left making those ridiculous "about-to-sneeze" faces off-and-on for the rest of the day.

Reggie Hunnicutt said...

Exactly gets your eyes the worst.

Gigi said...

Okay Everyone,It did not look like Reg was getting ready to sneeze or I would not have said anything! It actually looked like he might be having chest pain or something soooo....excuse me!